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Friday, January 31, 2014

We're all ok wearing my before pants!

Alrighty here’s Melissa’s story accompanied by a super cool pic of her and her kids!!
 She just took this pic and stuffed all her kids into her old pants…lol
this is what Skinny Fiber, diligence, consistency, water, and exercise has done for her!
So awesome… Melissa has come a VERY long way! She’s lost over 300 pounds…
But she got over her long plateau with it and has lost ALOT.
Please share her story on your wall, it just might inspire friends and family that struggle with their weight to lose it and keep it off!!
Melissa Says:
For those wanting my story. Here it goes…..I have been heavy since I was in the 5th grade. When getting out of high school being overweight was my identity. I tried forever to get pregnant and couldn’t. My weight kept going up and up. My dad passed away at age 47 two weeks before my 25th birthday. I remember looking in the mirror the day of his funeral and I did not in any way recognize my reflection. What did I do to myself I thought? I went to the gym and they said no way with a doctors note. I was a liability. My doctor put me on the scales. Now understand I thought I was 275 pounds for years. He school his head in disbelief and put me on 3 more scales all said the same. ….489 pounds. I was severely obese was my label that day. I told him I wanted to go to the gym. He said no way! He gave me a pamphlet for gastric bypass. I said no way! I also told him my dad had a massive heart attack at age 37 and had a four way bypass. So I told him in 12 years the insurance can pay for a quarter of a million dollars for my heart bypass because he didn’t believe in me. I got my permission slip. In my first 4 months I lost 100 pounds. I went to the gym everyday. I wanted to die of embarrassment at first. People used to say that poor woman how can she live with herself? Blah…I kept at it. My weight loss has been a long journey. For the past year I hit a plateau. I trained with a certified trainer and worked with a dietician. Nothing helped . I felt it was hopeless. I joined this group. Many people were talking about skinny fiber. I figured I had nothing to lose but weight. I have been working with a personal trainer and he couldn’t get me past a plateau for a year. I start skinny fiber 5 weeks ago and have lot 30 pounds and 20.5 inches. I quit my trainer of course because a month of skinny fiber is less than one session with him. Plus I took 250 pounds off before skinny fiber. From hard work at the gym. I switched to clean eating “whole foods”. I haven’t had anything processed although if I really feel like I need a treat I will eat a spoon of peanut butter. I don’t worry about the fat in peanut butter. I have ha days where I think to myself that I want to give up. I literally growl at myself in the mirror and tell myself that I am extending my life. And I laugh when someone sees me do it. I am trying to love myself enough to always put myself first.
 Take the 90 day challenge.
 The company offers a full 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee… The only thing you have to lose is “Inches & Pounds”
 View the video or order here»>
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Salad in a Jar

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Salad In A Jar

Salad In A Jar 

This is a brilliant idea.   Not only does SALAD IN A JAR save space in your fridge, it also reduces food waste and gets non-salad eaters to mow down daily.
 From BOTTOM to TOP:

Shredded carrots
Cherry tomatoes
Sunflower seeds
Hard boiled eggs
Baby spinach


1) Arrange ingredients in a large mason jar
2) Store in fridge for up to a week

3) When ready to eat: shake jar, place on a plate, and eat!

You can make any arrangement you want… you can add red onion, cucumbers, radishes or peppers. Always remember to put the dressing at the bottom and the lettuce at the top—a MUST. As long as the dressing does not touch the greens this will stay fresh in the fridge for up to a week!!!!!!!

 ****NOTE**** If your making a few salads at a time for the week, you MUST remember to vacuum seal the Mason Jars. (Mason jars can be bought at Wal-mart, and various grocery stores) They must be vacuum sealed to remain fresh and crisp Here are two different ways to vacuum seal a mason jar